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Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

ANIMAL haraam

ANIMAL haraam

عن أبي عبد الله النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنهما قال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: إن الحلال بين وإن الحرام بين وبينهما أمور مشتبهات لا يعلمهن كثير من الناس, فمن اتقى الشبهات فقد استبرأ لدينه وعرضه, ومن وقع في الشبهات وقع في الحرام , كالراعي يرعى حول الحمى يوشك أن يرتع فيه, ألا وإن لكل ملك حمى ألا وإن حمى الله محارمه ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله ألا وهي القلب
[رواه البخاري ومسلم]
From Abi Abdillah An Nu'man ibn Bashir rhadiyallahu 'anhuma, he said: I've heard the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam said, "Actually the case has been clearly lawful, and the case had been clearly forbidden. And in between there are the things which are doubtful, which is not known to most people. Whoever keep himself from syubhat case, then he has kept the safety of his religion and his honor. And anyone who fell in syubhat, meant that he had fallen into the unclean things, like the shepherds who graze their cattle near restricted areas so that the animals were almost grazing in it. Know that each king memilliki forbidden territory. Know that God is forbidden things forbidden. Know that the body is mudghah (a piece of meat), when he was good, better then the whole body. If it is damaged, it also damaged the entire body. Know that a piece of meat that is the heart. [1] (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
As understandable with that food has a dominant influence for the person eating it, meaning: halal food, clean and good will to form a holy soul and a healthy body. In contrast, the forbidden foods will form a nasty spirit and animal. Hence, Islam ordered his followers to choose foods that are halal and haram food away.
God also says.

"It means: And for those justifying all the good and forbids for them all that bad" [Al-raf: 157]
Meaning of "At-Thoyyibaat" can mean good / good, not harm, clean or unclean. [See Fath Bari (9 / 518) by Ibn Hajar]
As for eating "al-Khabaaits" could mean something repugnant, dangerous and unlawful. Something horrible like unclean things, dirt or similar animals caterpillars, beetles, crickets, mice, geckos / lizards, scorpions, snakes and so forth as the opinion of Abu Hanifa and Shafi'i. [See al-Mughni (13/317) by Ibn Qudama]. Something dangerous like poison, with various kinds of drugs, cigarettes and so on. The forbidden foods like pork, carcass, and so on.



Fanged Beasts

The fanged beast are forbidden to eat according to the hadith:

"It means: From Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet alaihi wa sallam said:" Every fanged beasts are forbidden to eat "[Hadith History. Muslim. 1933]
Please note that the above hadith as affirmed mutawatir Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr in At-Tamhid (1 / 125) and Ibn al-Jauziyah Qoyyim the I'lamul Muwaqqi'in (2/118-119).
It means "dziinaab" the animal that has fangs or sharp nails against humans like wolves, lions, dogs, leopards, tigers, bears, monkeys and the like. All of it is haraam to eat ". [See Sharh Sunnah (11/234) by Imam Al-Baghawi]
This hadeeth clearly indicates terebut illegitimate eating fanged beast not only makruh only. The opinions expressed makruh it is the wrong opinion. [See At-Tamhid (1 / 111) by Ibn Abd al-Barr, I'lamul Muwaqqi'in (4-356) by Ibn Qayyim and Al-Saheehah no. 476 by Al-Alban]
Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr said in At-Tamhid (1 / 127): "I do not know the intersection of opinion among Muslim scholars that apes should not be eaten and may not be sold because there is no benefit. And we do not know any one that allows scholars to eat. Similarly, dogs, elephants and all fanged beasts. All the same to me (keharamannya). And hujjah is the word of the Prophet alaihi wa sallam not the opinions of people ....".
The scholars disagree about ferrets. Does including unlawful beast or not? Rajih opinion that the fox is permissible as the opinion of Imam Ahmad and Shafi'i hadeeth.

"Meaning: From Ibn Abi Ammar says: I once asked Jabir about ferrets, whether it includes game? He replied:" Yes ". Then I asked: Is it permissible to eat? He replied: Yes. I ask again: Did you hear from Messenger? answer: Yes. [Saheeh. Hadith Abu Daud History (3801), Tirmidhi (851), Nisaa'i (5 / 191) and dishahihkan Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban, al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi, Ibn Qoyyim and Ibn Hajar in At-Talkhis Habir (1 / 1507)]
So if this hadith Jabir prohibition against the hadith above? ! Imam Ibn Qoyyim explained in I'lamul Muwaqqi'in (2 / 120) that there is no contradiction between the two above hadith. Because ferrets are not wild animals including the category, both in terms of language and terms urf (custom) humans. This explanation is approved by Al-Allamah Al-Mubarakfuri in Tuhfat Ahwadzi (5 / 411) and Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani in At-Ta'liqat Ar-Radhiyyah (3-28)

The bird claws

Clawed animals are forbidden to eat according to the hadith:

"It means: Ibn Abbas said:" The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam prohibited from any wild animals that the sharp fangs and nails "[Hadith Muslim History. 1934]
Imam Al-Baghawi said in Sharh Sunnah (11/234) "Likewise, every bird bird sharp toed eagle, eagle, and the like". Imam Nawawi said in Sharh Saheeh Muslim 13/72-73: "In this hadith there is the argument for madzab Shafi'i, Abu Hanifah, Ahmad, David, and the majority of scholars about the illegitimate eating fanged beast and bird sharp nails."

Dog Hunters and Animals Buruan The Bitten Dog

Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar narrates from his father. He said that he had heard the Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever get a dog, but dogs for hunting or cattle guard, then the reward will always be reduced two qirath every day,"
Salim tells us that when that Abu Hurayrah said, "Or plant watchdog." This dog is a dog that served to maintain the plants. "(Reported by Muslim in Al Musaqah (2942).
Tsa'labah Abu Al Khusyanni said that he came to the Prophet Shallallah 'alayhi wasallam, and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I was in the land of the scribes, if I'm allowed to eat using their vessels? If I was in the hunt and I hunt with busurku (and bring untrained dogs) and dogs are trained, what should I do? "The Prophet said:" About the problems you mentioned earlier was that of the scribes vessel, if you get the other vessel, then thou shalt not eat using these vessels. But if you do not get it, then wash them and use the vessels for eating. whereas animals that you hunt with trained dogs and you mention the name of God to him, then eat. As for the animals that you hunt with your dog is not trained and you could menyembelinya, then eat. (Narrated by Bukhari in Dzabaih wa Ash Ath Shayd (5496).

In another report mentioned Hammam ibn al-Harith narrated from ibn Hatim Adiy. He said that he said, "O Messenger of Allah, I never let go of trained dogs, then dogs are catching game for me. And then I mentioned the name of God."
The Prophet said, "If you let your dog is well trained and you have the name of Allah, then eat the animals brought for you." Adiy asked, "Even though these dogs had killed the game?" The Prophet said, "Although they had killed him, as long as they are not with the dog than them." Adiy said to the Prophet "I never threw a mi'radh hunted animals (the staff that made a pointed tip) and right on target." The Prophet said, "If you throw a mi'radh and hit the target, then eat (the animal), but if that is the stem of mi'radh, then thou shalt not eat it. " (H. R. Muslims in wa Ash Ath Dzabaih Shad.
Another hadith narrated from Ash Sha'bi Adiy hadith from the hadith as well as the above. in the hadith that stated, "unless (the game) is eaten by dogs. If the dog eats it, then thou shalt not eat (the rest of the meat). For me, I worry if the dog is carrying (game) for itself. If there Another dog with the dogs, then thou shalt not eat (the game brought them), because you have the name of Allah on your dog, but you have not mentioned the name of God over another dog. "
In these traditions are also mentioned, "if you take off your dog is trained, then mention the name of God. If the dog is brought (game) for you and you get still alive, then sembelihlah (the game). If you get (the game brought dog) is dead and the dog did not eat some of it, then eat (the game) because the game is killed with a trained dog slaughter. ".
In the hadith is also explained, "if you shoot panahmu child, then mention the name of God."
In the hadith says, "If the game is gone from you within a day or two days, in another narration it is two days or three days, and you just get used to these animals panahmu, eat if you want. If you get the animals buruanmu was immersed in water, then thou shalt not eat it because you do not know if that made him murdered panahmu or water. " (Bukhari in Dzabaih wa Ash Ath Shad (5483, 5487), reported by Muslim in Shayh wa Ash Dzabaih Adz (2,3,5)

ANIMAL slaughter
Islam teaches us all the existing ordinances in this life, teaches us how to live healthy, how do we manage time, how to get along well, how to behave toward people, animals, even though food Subhanallah ... taught all the best in Islam, there is no one like this agamapun.

Procedures for slaughter animals
1. HARAM sacrifices to EXCEPT GOD

Amir ibn Abu Thufail Watsilah said: I was in the Ali bin Abi Talib, then someone came to see him, the man asked: 'Did the Prophet alaihi wa sallam was keeping something?
Abu Thufail said: Hearing these words, Ali was angry and said: It is not the Prophet alaihi wa sallam keep something to me that he was hiding from man unless he had told me four things: The man said: What was the Commander of the Faithful? " Ali said:

This means: Allah has cursed those who cursed his parents, God has cursed the person who sacrifices to other than Allah, and Allah has cursed those who make room for those who make heretics and Allah has cursed the man who changed the signs on the earth. [1]
So should not be slaughtered for other than God based on this hadith and other hadiths that prohibit them from such actions. As for that done by a layman on this day with sacrifices to the trustees then entered the curse mentioned in this hadith, because guardians are slaughtered for sacrifices to other than God.


From Qurrah ibn al-Muzani Iyyas: That there is one man said: O Messenger of Allah, verily I love the goat if I kill it. So he peace 'alaihi wa sallam said:

Meaning: If you loved God merahmatinya. [2]

3. DO GOOD (IHSAN) WHEN slaughter
By doing a few things:
a. Sharpened machete
From Shaddad ibn Aus radi 'anhu who said: Two things I remembered from the Prophet alaihi wa sallam, he said.
Verily Allah requires doing good (ihsan) over all things. If you kill (in qishah,-Pent) ihsanlah do so in a way to kill and if you do kill it in a way ihsanlah slaughtered, and let one of you sharpen the machete and fun sembelihannya. [3]

b. Away from Sight Goat When sharpened machete
In this case there are several hadiths of them.
From Ibn Abbas radi anhu said: The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam observed a man who put his foot on the cheek (side) goats in his war while he was sharpening the goat looked at him, then he says:
"It is not accepted this. Do you really want to turn it off. (In another narration: Do you want to turn it off with a few deaths)." [4]
From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu he said.
"If any one of you sharpen the machete so he should not in a state menajamkannya goat will be slaughtered see it". [5]

c. Goat herd slaughtering Go Better
Ibn Sirin said that Umar radi anhu saw a man dragging a goat to be slaughtered and then he hit her with a whip, then Umar said with reproach: Leads to the death of these animals well. [5]

d. Animals Which Will lay slain
Aisha radi 'anha said that the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam ordered to kibas performed, and then he took it and laid kibas then he alaihi wa sallam peace be sacrificed. [6]
Imam Nawawi said in Sahih Muslim Syarhus (13/130): This hadeeth indicates Sunnah laid as to be slaughtered goats and may not be slaughtered in a goat was standing or kneeling, but in a lie because it's easier for the goat and the hadiths are menuntunkan as well as the agreement of the Muslims. Ulama agreed and also practices the Muslims that the animals would be slaughtered lay on his left side because it was easier for those who slaughter in taking a knife in his right hand and holding the animal's head with his left hand.
e. Places (The Body) who was slain
Ibn Abbas radi anhu said: the slaughter carried out around the esophagus and spiders. [7]
Spider is hollow in the chest and camels are also slaughtered in this area. [8]

4. TO ANIMAL sacrifices confronts Qibla Direction

Nafi 'said that Ibn Umar did not like to eat sacrifices which when slaughtered was not directed towards the Qiblah. [8]

5. Put your foot SIDES ON ANIMALS sacrifices

Anas ibn Malik radi anhu said.
"The Messenger of sacrificial animals slaughtered two rams with a mixed white and black horns. He killed it with his hand, with give and bertakbir Basmalah, and he put his foot in both sides of the lamb" [9]


Based on the word of Allah, the Exalted:

"And you do not eat animals that are not mentioned Allah's name hath, in fact such actions is a wickedness. Surely Shaitan was revealed to the trustee-trustee (his friends) to argue with you". [Al-An'am: 121]
Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu said:

"The Prophet slaughtered the sacrificial animal with two rams. He and bertakbir say bismillah.
And in the Muslim history: He said Bismillah wallahu Akbar.
Who forgot to say Basmalah then nothing. Anhuma radi Ibn Abbas was asked about those who forget bertasmiyah (read Basmalah) then he said: It's OK "[10]

7. NO USE canine / GADING AND NAILS WHEN slaughtering lambs

From Ubadah bin Rafi 'from his grandfather, he said: O Messenger of Allah, we do not have a big knife (for slaughtering). So he blessings alaihi wa sallam said.

"Animals that have been drawn using a tool darhanya than dzufur (nails) and Sinn (tusks / ivory), then eat. Dzufur The nation is Habashah knife while Sinn is idzam". [11]

[Retrieved from the book Ahkamul Mawlood Sunnatil Muthahharah Fi, Special Edition Seputar Indonesia Law Son In The Holy Sunnah, writer Salim bin Ali bin Rashid Abu Ash-Zur'ah and Syubli Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalifah Al-Rabah Abu Abdirrahman, Penerbit Pustaka Al - Haura]
Foote Note
1. Saheeh. Narrated by Muslim (13/1978-Nawawi), An-Nasai (7 / 232) Ahmad (1/108-118) from the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbas, also issued by Ahmad (1/217-39-317) and Abu Ya ^ la (4 / 2539)
2. Saheeh. Issued by Al-Hakim (3 / 586), Al-Bukhari in Al-Adabul simplex (373), Ath-Thabrani in al-Kabir (19/44-45-46), in Al-Ausathh (161) and Ash - Sagheer (1 / 109) and Abu al-Na'em in Hilyah (2/302-6/343)
3. Saheeh. Narrated by Muslim (13/1955-Nawawi), Ibn Majah (3670), Abdurrazzaq (8603-8604) and Ibn al-Jarud in Muntaqa (899)
4. Saheeh, narrated by al-Bayhaqi (9 / 280), al-Hakim (3 / 233), Abdurrazzaq (8609) and dishahihkan by Al-Hakim and agreed upon by the Ath-Dzahabi and this hadeeth is saheeh as they say.
Isnad Al-Bayhaqi and rijalnya tsiqat narrator named Abdullah ibn Ja'far al-Ath-Pharisaic Dzahabi said in As-Siyar: Imam Al-Alamah science Nahwu he wrote several papers and he was given sustenance by the isnad ali, he tsiqah and Ibn ditsiqahkan MANDAH
5. Issued by Abdurrazzaq 98606-8608) with the chain of transmission that there is a weakness in it because mixing memorization Salih At-Tauamah Maula.
6. Issued by Al-Bayhaqi (9 / 281), Abdurrazzaq (8605) and isnadnya munqathi (cut), because Ibn Sirin did not meet with Umar, the isnadnya dlaif. But the generality of the hadith and hadith require mercy of the goat being a martyr for him until this hadeeth saheeh meaning.
7. Saheeh. Narrated by Muslim (13/1967-Nawawi), Abu Daud (2792) and al-Bayhaqi in al-Kubra (9/276-280-286)
8. Saheeh narrated Abdurrazzaq (8615)
9. An-Fi Gharibil Nihayah Hadith by Ibn al-Athir (4 / 223)
10. Saheeh. Reported Abdurrazzaq (8605), and on the Al-Bayhaqi (9 / 280) and Ibn Jurayj and that the Nafi: Ibn 'Umar considered sunnah to bring sacrifices to the Qiblah when slaughtered. This Juraij Ibn mudallis and he narrated with an-anah.
11. Issued by Al-Bukhari (Bari 10/18-Fathul), Muslim (13/1966-Nawawi), Abu Daud (2794), Al-Bayhaqi (9/258-259) and Ibn al-Jarud in Muntaqa (909)
12. [11]. Saheeh. Narrated Malik (2141-history Mush'ab Abi Az-Zuhri) and dishahihkan sanadnya by Al-Hafidzh Ibn Hajar in Fath Bari (9 / 624)
13. [12]. Issued by Al-Bukhari (9/630-31-633-638-Fathul Bari), Muslim (13/1966-Nawawi), Abu Daud (2821), Al-Bayhaqi (9 / 281) and Abudrrazzaq (8618), Ath -Thahawi in Maanil Atsar (4 / 183)
Sheikh Salim bin Ali bin Rashid Ash-Syubli
Shaykh Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Khalifah Al-Rabah


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